Dorothea Maria THEDE


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Dorothea Maria THEDE


Type Date Place Sources
baptism 4. March 1781
Ev. Marienkirche Ahrensbök, Ksp. Ahrensbök, Herzogtum Holstein Find persons in this place
death 6. March 1826
Vorwerk Neuhof Ahrensbök, Ksp. Ahrensbök, Herzogtum Holstein Find persons in this place
residence after 1781
burial 11. March 1826
Ev. Marienkirche Ahrensbök, Ksp. Ahrensbök, Herzogtum Holstein Find persons in this place
birth 1. March 1781
Vorwerk Ahrensbök, Ksp. Ahrensbök, Herzogtum Holstein Find persons in this place
marriage 4. October 1801
Ev. Marienkirche Ahrensbök, Ksp. Ahrensbök, Herzogtum Holstein Find persons in this place


Marriage ??spouse_en_US??Children
4. October 1801
Ev. Marienkirche Ahrensbök, Ksp. Ahrensbök, Herzogtum Holstein
Friedrich STEEN

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Title Familienbaum Jahnke Maertens
Id 41222
Upload date 2025-03-05 12:38:05.0
Submitter user's avatar Regina Märtens visit the user's profile page


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