Wilhelm Carl ACKMANN


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Wilhelm Carl ACKMANN


Type Date Place Sources
death 9. October 1979
Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Find persons in this place
residence 1935
residence 1930
residence 1940
birth 28. August 1903
Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA Find persons in this place
census 1940
3324 West State Street, Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Find persons in this place


Marriage ??spouse_en_US??Children

Eleanor Edna Anna LUPLOW


1 1940 United States Federal Census, https://www.myheritage.com/research/record-10053-841308055/william-ackman-in-1940-united-states-federal-census
Publication: MyHeritage
  We undertook the arduous task of deciphering the handwritten pages of the 1940 Census to create a searchable index for the census. This was accomplished gradually, state by state, as we covered more and more of the census.As required by the US Constitution, the census is a federal mandate to count every resident of the United States of America every 10 years. Census data is released to the public 72 years after it wastaken.Federal census takers were asked to record information about every person who was in each household on the census day. A census taker might have visited a house on a later date, but the information hecollected was supposed to be about the people who were in the house on the census day. The basic census enumeration unit was the county. Each county was divided into enumeration districts, one for each enumerator. The completed forms were sent to the Commerce Department's Census Office in Washington, D.C.Federal censuses are usually reliable, depending on the knowledge of the informant and the care of the census enumerator. Information may have been given to a census taker by any member of the familyor by a neighbor. Some information may have been incorrect or deliberately falsified.
2 FamilySearch Stammbaum
Publication: MyHeritage
  Der FamilySearch Stammbaum wird duch MyHeritage unter Lizenz von FamilySearch International, der weltgrössten Genealogie Organisation, veröffentlicht. FamilySearch ist eine nonprofit Organisation gesponsert von der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage (Mormonen Kirche).

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Title Wilhelm, Petereit Family Tree

Wilhelm Family Name is from Marzhausen, Neu-Eichenberg, Werra- Meissner-Kreis, Hessen, Deutschland and the most recent births for my 3rd grandparents in Linden, Hannover, Germany Petereit Family name is from Prussia and ending with my great grandfather in Tauroggen, Lithuania Krompholz Family name if from Salzburg, Österreich and then moved to Lithuania. Wenger, Pfieffenberger, Amaisserin, Neufang Family names are from Bad Hofgastein, Salzburg, Austria and Undberg, Salzburg, Austria and also Dorff, Salzburg, Austria

Id 67044
Upload date 2024-12-06 00:31:09.0
Submitter user's avatar Susan Knight Wilhelm visit the user's profile page
email susanwilhelm113@hotmail.com


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