Helen Laura OGLE


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Helen Laura OGLE


Type Date Place Sources
death 21. August 1982
Alliance, City, Hospital, Ohio, USA Find persons in this place
birth 25. May 1902
Woodsfield, Monroe, Ohio, USA Find persons in this place
marriage 21. April 1933
Ludlow, Kenton County, Kentucky Find persons in this place


Marriage ??spouse_en_US??Children
21. April 1933
Ludlow, Kenton County, Kentucky
Frank Pfaff SMITH

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Title Familien Klein, Landgraf und viele mehr

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Id 44902
Upload date 2025-01-20 05:13:32.0
Submitter user's avatar Michael Klein visit the user's profile page
email daredevill@gmx.de


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