Maria Louise DECHANT


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Maria Louise DECHANT
name Maria Loisa MURDOCH
name Maria L MURDOCH
name Louisa M MURDOCH
name Maria L. MURDOCK
name Maria L MURDOCK
name Leonisa DECHANT
name Maria Louisa MURDOCK
name Maria L MURDOCH


Type Date Place Sources
death 28. May 1922
Fresno, Fresno, Kalifornien, USA Find persons in this place
death 28. May 1922
Fresno, California, USA Find persons in this place
death 28. May 1922
Fresno, California, USA Find persons in this place
residence 1910
Fresno,Fresno County,California,USA,, Find persons in this place
residence 1920
Fresno, Fresno, California, USA Find persons in this place
residence 1900
Fresno Ward 1, Fresno, California, USA Find persons in this place
residence 1880
Cedar, Knox, Illinois, USA Find persons in this place
residence 1870
Abingdon, Knox, Illinois, United States Find persons in this place
residence 1860
Miamisburg, Montgomery, Ohio, USA Find persons in this place
Fresno, Fresno County, California, USA Find persons in this place
birth 16. June 1848
Miamisburg, Montgomery, Ohio, USA Find persons in this place
[1] [3] [4]
birth 18. June 1848
birth about 1848
birth June 1847
birth about 1848
birth about 1849
birth about 1848
birth about 1849
_CREAT 7. March 2015
[2] [3] [4] [5]
marriage 18. December 1867
Knox, Illinois, USA Find persons in this place
[9] [9]


Marriage ??spouse_en_US??Children
18. December 1867
Knox, Illinois, USA

Notes for this person

Aus Find A Grave: Maria Louisa Dechant Murdoch GEBURT 18 Juni 1848 Miamisburg, Montgomery County, Ohio, USA TOD 28 Mai 1922 (im Alter von 73) Fresno, Fresno County, California, USA BESTATTUNG Mountain View Cemetery Fresno, Fresno County, California, USA GEDENKSTÄTTEN-ID 46285192 Born in Miamisburg, Montgomery, Ohio, USA on 16 Jun 1848 to Peter Dechant and Nancy Jane Hall. Maria Louise married Purley Murdoch and had a child. She passed away on 28 May 1922 in Fresno, Fresno, California, USA. Family Members Parents Peter Dechant 1817-1901 Nancy Jane Hall 1827-1891 Spouse Purley Murdoch 1834-1922 Children Charles A Murdoch 1869-1926 Familienmitglieder Eltern Photo Peter DeChant 1820-1901 Photo Nancy Jane Hall DeChant 1827-1891 Ehepartner Photo Purley Murdoch 1846-1922 Brüder/Schwestern Photo Jeremiah DeChant 1844-1904 Photo Permelia DeChant Akey 1846-1920 Photo Frances Wright Dechant Jarvis 1850-1920 Photo Peter Hall Dechant 1851-1919 Photo Willmina Dechant Warren 1854-1933 Photo Chase Dechant 1856-1933 Photo Nancy Jane Dechant Richey 1859-1934 Photo William Perry Dechant 1862-1918 Photo John Silas Dechant 1864-1931 Photo Grant DeChant 1866-1939 Photo Caroline Bell DeChant 1867-1871


1 USA, Find A Grave-Index, 1600-heute
Publication: Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2012;
2 US-Volkszählung 1920, Jahr: 1920; Gebiet der Volkszählung: Fresno, Fresno, California; Rolle: T625_96; Seite: 7A; Zählungsdistrikt: 29; Bild: 1150
Publication: Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2010;
3 US-Volkszählung 1900, Jahr: 1900; Gebiet der Volkszählung: Fresno Ward 1, Fresno, California; Rolle: 86; Seite: 11B; Zählungsdistrikt: 0010; FHL-Mikrofilm: 1240086
Publication: Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2004;
4 US-Volkszählung 1880, Jahr: 1880; Gebiet der Volkszählung: Cedar, Knox, Illinois; Rolle: 220; Film zur Familiengeschichte: 1254220; Seite: 13D; Zählungsdistrikt: 125; Bild: 0029
Author: and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Publication: Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2010;
5 US-Volkszählung 1870, Jahr: 1870; Gebiet der Volkszählung: Abingdon, Knox, Illinois; Rolle: M593_240; Seite: 28A; Bild: 60; Family History Library-Mikrofilm: 545739
Publication: Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2009;
6 US-Volkszählung 1860, Jahr: 1860; Gebiet der Volkszählung: Miamisburg, Montgomery, Ohio; Rolle: M653_1013; Seite: 131; Bild: 269; Family History Library-Mikrofilm: 805013
Publication: Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2009;
7 Kalifornien, Sterbe- und Bestattungsurkunden von ausgewählten Landkreisen, 1873-1987
Publication: Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2014;
8 Kalifornien, Todesregister, 1905-1939
Publication: Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2013;
9 Illinois, USA, Heiratsregister im Landkreis, 1800-1940
Publication: Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Lehi, UT, USA; Date: 2016;


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