Wilhelmina MELCHERS


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Wilhelmina MELCHERS


Type Date Place Sources
death 27. December 1782
baptism 7. February 1782
burial 29. December 1782
birth 26. January 1782


1 Sterbeurkunde
  d 29 (December 1782) Wilhelmina, des Johann Gottlieb Melchers in derMorsbach Töchterlein starb d 27t huj am Husten alt 11 Mon 1 Tag
2 Geburtsurkunde
3 Sterbeurkunde
4 Geburtsurkunde
  7 (Februarius 1782) Johann Gottlieb Melchers und Sara Hütz in derMorsbach hier cop ihr den 26ten m pr geborenes Töchterlein t l NWilhelmina T Johanna Helena Hütz, Anna Magdalena Knipping, WilhelmMelchers, Nathanael Hütz

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Id 2812
Upload date 2005-10-20 14:33:59.0
Submitter user's avatar Edgar Winter visit the user's profile page
email edgar.winter@wsv.bund.de


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