Maria Elisabeth Sophia FAHL


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Maria Elisabeth Sophia FAHL
occupation Mother and Wife


Type Date Place Sources
death 17. December 1926
Evanston Cook IL,,,USA,,, Find persons in this place
baptism 5. May 1846
Kavelstorf,Mecklenburg,Mecklenburg,Germany,18196,, Find persons in this place
burial 21. December 1926
Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery Glenview,,Illinois,USA,,, Find persons in this place
birth 3. May 1846
Groß Viegeln,,Mecklenburg,Germany,18196,, Find persons in this place
confirmation 1. April 1860
Kavelstorf,Mecklenburg,Mecklenburg,Germany,18196,, Find persons in this place
marriage 14. November 1868
Niles Center Cook,,Illionios,USA,,, Find persons in this place


Marriage ??spouse_en_US??Children
14. November 1868
Niles Center Cook,,Illionios,USA,,,
Carl Johann Christian PAGEL

Notes for this person

<Ausgewandert> 04.11.1868 mit Schiff Cimbria von Hamburg nach USA


Title Gevert_01.05.2015_00

Datenbank Gevert

Id 45252
Upload date 2016-11-01 18:41:38.0
Submitter user's avatar Klaus Helmut Gevert visit the user's profile page
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