Johann (sen.) HOHENSEE

Johann (sen.) HOHENSEE


Art Wert Datum Ort Quellenangaben
Name Johann (sen.) HOHENSEE


Art Datum Ort Quellenangaben
Auswanderung Januar 1870 Skartz, Ujesd Luzk, Gouvernement Wolhynien, Russisches Reich nach diesem Ort suchen [6]
Wohnen etwa 1856 Maksymów, gm. Ujazd, pow.Tomaszowski (Tomaszow Mazowiecka), woj. Łódź, Polen nach diesem Ort suchen [7]
Umzug etwa 1866 Kesrmcem, Krs.Petrikau (Piotrkow) (Piotrkow Trybunalski), Polen nach diesem Ort suchen [8]
Umzug etwa 1876 Presalub (Beresoluky), Wolost Szcyurzyn, Ujesd Luzk, Gouvernement Wolhynien, Russisches Reich nach diesem Ort suchen [9]

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Anne Regina HEIN

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Maksymów, gm. Ujazd, pow.Tomaszowski (Tomaszow Mazowiecka), woj. Łódź, Polen
Kurzfassung: Maksymów (powiat tomaszowski)
Hier die Übersetzung der polnischen Wikipedia:
Maksymów (Bezirk Tomaszów), ein Dorf in der Woiwodschaft Łódź, Kreis Tomaszów
Maksymów – ein Dorf in Polen, gelegen in der Woiwodschaft Łódź , Kreis Tomaszów , Gemeinde Ujazd .
Geographische Lage: 51°34′34″N 19°52′59″E
In den Jahren 1975-1998 gehörte die Stadt administrativ zur Woiwodschaft Piotrków .
Das Dorf wurde am 1. Juni 1798 gegründet, als Maksymilian Olszowski, Besitzer der Güter Olszowa und Wólka Krzykowska, einen Vertrag mit den deutschen Kolonisten Heinrich Fike, Christian Feyfer, Grzegorz Hercog und Gotfryd Handte abschloss und ihnen einen Teil der Güter Wólka Krzykowska übertrug. wo sie eine nach ihm benannte Kolonie Maksymów gründeten (in den Dokumenten als Maxymów erwähnt). In den folgenden Jahren ließen sich weitere Kolonisten dort nieder – im Jahr 1834 lebten dort Jan Gesele, Bogumił Pufal, Michał Sibert, Gotfried Ernst und Marcin Siberti [2] . Auf diese Weise entstand am Fluss Bielina (andere Namen: Pańkówka, Czarna ) ein Dorf, das von deutschen Kolonisten evangelisch-augsburgischer Konfession bevölkert wurde [3]. Maksymów gehörte zur evangelisch-augsburgischen Kirchengemeinde in Tomaszów Mazowiecki [4] . Ein anderer Name des Dorfes, der von Anfang an auf einer Karte im 19. Jahrhundert erscheint:: Holendry Olszowskie [5] .
Der Wendepunkt in der Geschichte von Maksymów wurde durch den Zweiten Weltkrieg markiert; Dadurch veränderten sich die demografische und religiöse Struktur des Dorfes. Die deutschen, evangelischen Kolonisten wurden durch polnische Katholiken ersetzt, ihre Nachbarn aus den umliegenden Dörfern. Nach dem Krieg wurden die ehemaligen deutschen Höfe (die Kolonisten waren Bauern) gemäß der Agrarreform von 1944 unter Polen aufgeteilt, die dadurch ihre Zwerghöfe vergrößerten oder wirtschaftlich unabhängig wurden [6] .
Vor dem Krieg wurde Maksymów unter anderem bewohnt von Familien: Lange, Nickel, Zacharias, Sachs, Rauscher, Shätzke, Sechagen, Schafler, Plantz. Hier befand sich ein Holzhaus, das als Gebetshaus diente [6] . Am westlichen Ende des Dorfes, an der Grenze zum Dorf Olszowa-Piaski , befindet sich ein ehemaliger deutscher Friedhof – mit altem Baumbestand, keine der Grabsteine ​​sind erhalten.
Die Besonderheit von Maksymów war seine ethnische/nationale und religiöse Homogenität im Vergleich zu anderen umliegenden Dörfern, in denen es ein deutsches und polnisches Element gab – es handelte sich hauptsächlich um „gemischte“ Dörfer: Stasiolas , Kolonia Ujazd , Łominy .
1. Offizielle Liste der Postadressnummern, Poczta Polska S.A., Oktober 2022, S. 768 [archiviert am 26.10.2022].
2. Zdzisław Pakowski Olszowa Geschichte und Menschen, Łódź 2014, S. 27
3. Akten der Gemeinde Łazisko mit Sitz in Ujazd, Staatsarchiv in Piotrków Trybunalski – Zweigstelle in Tomaszów Mazowiecki.
4. Geographisches Wörterbuch des Königreichs Polen und anderer slawischer Länder, Band V – Suchergebnis – DIR, [abgerufen am 03.08.2017].
5. Archivierte Kopie. [abgerufen am 04.08.2017]. [archiviert von dieser Adresse (04.08.2017)].
6. Akten der Gemeinde Łazisko mit Sitz in Ujazd
In Polen gibt es 5 Orte mit dem Namen Maksymow in engerer Umgebung zu Lodz, Piotrkow Tribunalski und Kaliz::
1.Maksymów – wieś w woj. łódzkim, w pow. radomszczańskim, w gminie Wielgomłyny
2.Maksymów – wieś w woj. łódzkim, w pow. tomaszowskim, w gminie Ujazd
3.Maksymów – wieś w woj. łódzkim, w pow. wieruszowskim, w gminie Sokolniki
4. Maksymów – kolonia w woj. wielkopolskim, w pow. konińskim, w gminie Golina
5. Maksymów – wieś w woj. świętokrzyskim, w pow. opatowskim, w gminie Tarłów
Es ist nicht ausgeschlossen, dass es sich nicht auch um Maksymów - kolonia w woj. wielkopolskim, w pow. konińskim, w gminie Golina handeln könnte, da hier die Nähe zu weiteren Hohensees in den Kirchenbüchern von Stawiszyn und Radzany gegeben ist (siehe nächsten Absatz "SIEDLUNG DER HOHENSEE IN GROSSPOLEN (WIELKOPOLSKIE)".
Geografische Lage: 52°15′57″N 18°02′15″E
Bei Maksymów (województwo wielkopolskie) handelt es sich um ein Vorwerk.
Name: Maksymow (deu)
Typ: Vorwerk
externe Kennung: SIMC:0283660
Artikel zu diesem Objekt im GenWiki:
Geographische Position:
- 52.27°N 18.05°O
- Nummer des TK25-Kartenblatts: 3774
[4] (
Andrerseits ergibt sich bei Maksymów - wieś w woj. łódzkim, w pow. tomaszowskim, w gminie Ujazd eine größere Nähe zu Petrikau (Piotrkow)
Posted by: Jerry Frank
Date: July 16, 2004 at 11:51:02
The Hohensee family MIGHT also have origins in the Kalisz region.
There is a marriage record for one at Stawiszyn and the birth of another at Radzany.
Again the Stawiszyn records are available on microfilm.
Bei Kesrmcem handelt es sich wahrscheinlich um einen Schreib- oder Übersetzungsfehler. Da es solch einen Namen in der Region nicht gibt, könnte es sich um Czarnocin Kr. Petrikau (Piotrkow Tribunalski) handeln.
Der Deutsche ist wie eine Weide. Gleichgültig auf welche Weise Sie ihn verbiegen, er schlägt immer wieder Wurzeln." - Alexander Solzhenitsyn -
Mathias Tietz wanderte 1880 mit seiner Familie nach Sadombrowo (Zadombrowa),Szczurzyn, Krs. Lutzk, Wolhynien, Ukraine aus. In unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft befindet sich Presalub (Beresolupy), Krs. Lutzk, wo Johann Hohensee sen. 1876 wohnte. Hier entstand aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach die spätere Verbindung Gustav Hohensee - Suanne Tietz.
Beresoluky, Berezołupy Wielkie, Березолуки, Великі Березолупи, Большіе Березолупы, Березолуки
Berezołupy Wielkie (pol)
Beresoluky (deu)
Березолуки (rus)
Великі Березолупи (ukr) (- 1964)
Большіе Березолупы (rus) (1906)
Березолуки (ukr) (1964 -)
195 (1888)
346 (1906)
408 (1921)
45144 (1991 -)
Geographische Position: 50.907°N 25.051°O
Artikel zu diesem Objekt im GenWiki:


1 Hohensee - EWZ Index
Autor: Odessa Digital Library - 9 Sep 2001
Angaben zur Veröffentlichung:
 EWZ Index for Miscellaneous Films 17 (A. Marthaller) . . . . Published by the Odessa Digital Library - 9 Sep 2001 This document may be freely used for personal, nonprofit purposes or linked by other WWW sites. It may also be shared with others, provided the header with copyright notice is included. However, it may not be republished in any form without permission of the copyright owner. Copyright 2001, Aubrey B. Marthaller, P.O. Box 37 Salmon Arm BC V1E 4N2 - Canada This and other of the EWZ series films are held in the national Archives. For an understanding of this subject, refer to this URL: The GRHS holds several copies of similar EWZ films, and will attempt to index those that are donated to the growing library there. So if you have EWZ films that you are done with consider donating to the collection. Not all films which will be indexed will be made available to the GRHS, it remains the prerogative of the film owners as to the future ownership of same. If you hold films that should be indexed and desire to retain them after indexing, please contact the GRHS Clearing House to arrange such an indexing. The films included in this index -- as follows; A3342-EWZ50-D018 A3342-EWZ50-D038 A3342-EWZ50-H023 This and other of the EWZ series films are held in the national Archives. For an understanding of this subject, refer to this URL: Last, First D/M Year Birth Place Film Frame Remarks Hohensee, Adolf 12 Mar 1905 Shitomir A3342-EWZ50-D018 1326 Hohensee, Augusta 1880 A3342-EWZ50-D018 1304 geb. Faltenberg Hohensee, Julius 1880 A3342-EWZ50-D018 1304 Hohensee, Julius 18 Oct 1908 Pulin, Tscherson A3342-EWZ50-D018 1304 Hohensee, Maria 5 Jun 1926 Saporochje, Saporoshje A3342-EWZ50-D018 1326 ledig Hohensee, Matha 11 May 1904 Shitomir A3342-EWZ50-D018 1326 geb. Bartschke
2 Hohensee - Zunamen in Taurien
Autor: Odessa Digital Library - 10 Jun 2000
Angaben zur Veröffentlichung:
 Taurien Surnames - St. Pete "Quick" Index, 186x (D. Wahl). . Published by the Odessa Digital Library - 10 Jun 2000 This document may be freely used for personal, nonprofit purposes or linked by other WWW sites. It may also be shared with others, provided the header with copyright notice is included. However, it may not be republished in any form without permission of the copyright This file contains a "quick" index of Birth, Death, and Marriage reports from the below listed parishes of the Taurien area of South Russia for the decade 186x. This information was compiled by Dale Wahl and Connie Moran as assisted by Anna Smith and Deb Beick. Edited by Marty McMahon Parishes included in this Quick Index: Berdjansk, Berdjansk, Taurien Eugenfeld, Melitopol, Taurien Hochstadt, Melitopol, Taurien Molotschna, Melitopol, Taurien Neu Hoffnungstal, Berdjansk, Taurien Neu Stuttgart, Berdjansk, Taurien Nogaisk, Berdjansk, Taurien Rosenfeld, Berdjansk, Taurien The principal idea of a quick index is one step closer to an index than having nothing available. Many will want to debate that it has little use for their research, and for those folks -- they can either pitch in to take the quick index to the universal form we have defined for the St Pete indexes, or not use the quick index. We do hope to one day have other quick indexes for the other decades of the Taurien area as well as other parishes of the Black Sea area that have yet to have any indexing done on them. And yes, even some day - after that - a whole set of the full universal formatted index for each of these same parishes. However, this takes energy that can only be invested by volunteers and we need more volunteers working from the GRHS Clearing House Project for St Pete Indexing to make it become a reality. Can you see the use of this index? Do you want to volunteer? If so, contact the current GRHS St Pete Clearing House person. Bedeutung der RT: B-Birth (Geburt) M-Mariage (Heirat) D-Death (Tod) Last Name Year Film/It Page Reg RT Remarks Hohensee 1861 1884094/2 468 49 D Hohensee 1866 1884088/4 161 87 M Molotschna Hlhensee 1869 1884108/5 235 235 B Molotschna
3 "Preußen_Süd - 1793-1794 Land Records of South Prussia"
Autor: Compiled and posted by R. Reuben Drefs February 2004
Angaben zur Veröffentlichung:
 Permission to make only one copy for personal use and not for resale This database provides 83 volumes of information from the 1793-1794 South Prussia Land Registration Records. These land records provide the head of household names of nobility villages. They do not include towns and villages owned by the state which are sometimes called crown lands, in German Amtsdoerfer. The researcher should be warned to look at alternate spelling of the desired surname. The 1793-1794 records were hand written so the variance of writers and style of writing were most difficult. At times a particular letter was only written once on the surname page and comparison letters were not available. This made difficult writing problematic as to their interpretation. Of particular concern are certain letters which in the old German script could easily pass for a different letter: e.g. the letter "s" old style looked like an "h". Thus the name Zosek could also be Zohek, Bress could be Bresh, Kissmann could be Kishmann, Kessler could be Keshler. The diagonal on the "L" which was difficult to interpret whether the writer meant to write a "t" or an "l". Polish diacritical vowel marks were generally ignored. However, the diacritical marks made letters appear like a different letter. Other letters can also be confused as in the general case with old style German script. Other letter combinations that researchers should particularly investigate are the following in their capital cases: L or C; J or F; R or B; P or G; E or C; D or S; J or Z, B or M and R or St. Letters that can be confused within a name are "o" or "e" and "e" or "c". Also many times the writer spelled the names as he thought and probably did not ask for the correct spelling so I wrote the names as they appeared on the document. Generally the name of the town was written as it appeared in the record. This may be different from the modern form of spelling for that town. With some records a second spelling of the town appeared on the second page on which the surnames were listed. Sometimes this second spelling agreed with the spelling on the title page and sometimes it did not. A choice was made as to which was the clearest form of spelling on the town and most clearly written and that spelling was used. Many records were a combination record of towns including the Dorf(smalltown), the Hollanderei(dairy farm) and the Vorwerk(suburb).These were not listed separately in all cases. Thus the actual number of towns(over 3,300) may actually be larger than the final tabulated database number. The immense nature of this project caused me to want to get it on the internet for use without going back through eighty-three volumes to correct the database in cases in which a separate listing may have been missed of the Dorf and Vw(Vorwerk. However, usually the Hollanerei was listed on the title page. Thus, usually only the Dorf and the Vorwerk were both listed within the same surname page but were not always listed as a separate listing on the database for both the Dorf and Vorwerk. These Land Registration records of this data base contain the head of household records which are augmented by that particular head of household's family and farm statistics. The records also list the deanary****(division of the diocese or archdiocese which contains one or more parishes within it) and parish for each town. In many cases the county is given and in most cases the Kammer (a subprovince or department) of South Prussia is listed (Posen, Kalisch, Warsaw, Plock or Petrikau). Thus one can usually determine in which area of South Prussia the town is located through the method of looking at the deanary, parish and county listed along with the town. In some cases, usually restricted to small villages, all of these categories are not provided. Beside the town location information, this data base of 1793 Land Registration Records contains only the section of "Heads of Household" names, who are identified by a surname and usually also by a given name. In the remaining augmented data, not included in this data base, are other family members, who are normally not given by name but only by a numerical statistic. For example if the man is married it would have the number one in the wife column but no name given for the wife. For the sons and daughters, hired male and female workers only the correct appropriate number would show in the appropriate column. Thus for genealogical research the most useful information that can be gained from the 1793 land records is the name of the head of household, whether the head of household was married and the number of children. The research information gained from land record information would then need to be supported with documentation from other records such as church records which can provide more precise family name information, date of birth etc. These land records can also provide clues for the precise town in which a particular surname ancestor lived in 1793 or 1794. Last First Vol. Town Page County Kammer Deanary Parish Remarks Hohensee Christoph 76 Wittkowo, Stadt 2982 Hohensee Jacob 76 Wittkowo, Stadt 2982 Hohensee Lorentz 76 Wittkowo, Stadt 2982 Landkreis Witkowo mit Stadt Witkowo Provinz Posen, Regierungsbezirk Bromberg (1919-1939 Polen; 1939-1945 Reichsgau Wartheland) aber auch: Wittkowo, Gutsbezirk im Landkreis Thorn Provinz Westpreussen, Regierungsbezirk Marienwerder
4 Taufnachweis Hohensee, Johann Christoph 1789
Angaben zur Veröffentlichung:
 Extracts of Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths for the Lutheran Church at Labischin, Schubin, Posen. Tauftag Name des Täuflings Geburtsdatum Geburtsort 28.06.1789 Hohensee, Johann Christoph 25.06.1789 Labischin
5 "Preußen_West - Das Warthebruch, eine deutsche Kulturlandschaft im Osten, Würzburg 1956 (Göttinger Arbeitskreis)"
Autor: Kaplick, Otto
Angaben zur Veröffentlichung:
 Kaplick nennt in seinem Buch eine Vielzahl von Namen von Kolonisten in den neugegründeten Siedlungen in der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jh. einschließlich ihrer Herkunft, die ich einmal herausgesucht habe: hier ist die Namensliste. NAME;VORNAME;BERUF;ORT;KREIS;JAHR_VON;JAHR_BIS Hohensee;Gottfried;;Muschin;Polen;1730;0 Hohensee;Gottfried;;Driesen;Friedeberg/Nm.;1740;0 Hohensee;Gottfried;;Neutrebbin;?;1764;0 Hohensee;Gottfried;Kolonist;Nieder-Alvensleben;Landsberg/W.;1770;0 Hein;Christian;;Sorgescher Holländer;Filehne;1717;1752 Hein;Christian;Dragoner;Woldenberg;Friedeberg/Nm.;1752;1752 Hein;Christian;Kolonist;Blockwinkel;Landsberg/W.;1752;1752
6 Kirchliches Sterberegister Hohensee, Anna Christine, #1897594/1 448 21
Autor: Odessa Digital Library - 28 Feb 2000
Angaben zur Veröffentlichung:
 Volhynian Deaths, 1880-85 (M. Momose). . . . . . . . . . . . Published by the Odessa Digital Library - 28 Feb 2000 This document may be freely used for personal, nonprofit purposes or linked by other WWW sites. It may also be shared with others, provided the header with copyright notice is included. However, it may not be republished in any form without permission of the copyright owner. Copyright 2000, Marcia Momose, 11400 Brenda Blvd, Becker MN 55308, momoser(a) This file contains death records from the Parishes of Volhynia, South Russia for the period of 1880-85. This information was compiled by Marcia Momose and coworkers January, 2000 from the St. Petersburg Lutheran Evangelical archives published by the LDS and edited by Marty McMahon. Please take some time and review the General file in this Volhynia - St Petersburg directory to gain insight into the history and a list of the team working on this project. Last, First Name D/M Year Place Father Mother Film/It Pg RNr Remarks Hohnsee, Anna Christine 30 Jan 1870 Skartz Johann Anne Regina Hein 1897594/1 448 21Kesrmcem, Petickau, 4 yrs.
7 Kirchliches Sterberegister Hohensee, Ludwig, #1884069/2 678 358
Autor: Odessa Digital Library
Angaben zur Veröffentlichung:
 Volhynian Deaths, 1876-79 (M. Momose) Published by the Odessa Digital Library - 28 Jan 2001 This document may be freely used for personal, nonprofit purposes or linked by other WWW sites. It may also be shared with others, provided the header with copyright notice is included. However, it may not be republished in any form without permission of the copyright owner. Copyright 2000, Marcia Momose This file contains Death records from the Parishes of Volhynia, South Russia for the years 1876-79. This information was compiled by Marcia Momose and coworkers December 2000 from the St. Petersburg Lutheran Evangelical archives published by the LDS. Please take some time and review the General file in this Volhynia - St. Petersburg directory to gain insight into the history and a list of the team working on this project. Last, First Name D/M Year Place Father Mother Film/Item Pge Reg Remarks Hohnsee, Ludwig 1 Dec 1876 Presalup Johann 1884069/2 678 358 20 years; Maximow kr. Petrikau
8 Kirchliches Sterberegister Hohensee, Anna Christine, #1897594/1 448 21
Autor: Odessa Digital Library - 28 Feb 2000
Angaben zur Veröffentlichung:
 Volhynian Deaths, 1880-85 (M. Momose). . . . . . . . . . . . Published by the Odessa Digital Library - 28 Feb 2000 This document may be freely used for personal, nonprofit purposes or linked by other WWW sites. It may also be shared with others, provided the header with copyright notice is included. However, it may not be republished in any form without permission of the copyright owner. Copyright 2000, Marcia Momose, 11400 Brenda Blvd, Becker MN 55308, momoser(a) This file contains death records from the Parishes of Volhynia, South Russia for the period of 1880-85. This information was compiled by Marcia Momose and coworkers January, 2000 from the St. Petersburg Lutheran Evangelical archives published by the LDS and edited by Marty McMahon. Please take some time and review the General file in this Volhynia - St Petersburg directory to gain insight into the history and a list of the team working on this project. Last, First Name D/M Year Place Father Mother Film/It Pg RNr Remarks Hohnsee, Anna Christine 30 Jan 1870 Skartz Johann Anne Regina Hein 1897594/1 448 21Kesrmcem, Petickau, 4 yrs.
9 Kirchliches Sterberegister Hohensee, Ludwig, #1884069/2 678 358
Autor: Odessa Digital Library
Angaben zur Veröffentlichung:
 Volhynian Deaths, 1876-79 (M. Momose) Published by the Odessa Digital Library - 28 Jan 2001 This document may be freely used for personal, nonprofit purposes or linked by other WWW sites. It may also be shared with others, provided the header with copyright notice is included. However, it may not be republished in any form without permission of the copyright owner. Copyright 2000, Marcia Momose This file contains Death records from the Parishes of Volhynia, South Russia for the years 1876-79. This information was compiled by Marcia Momose and coworkers December 2000 from the St. Petersburg Lutheran Evangelical archives published by the LDS. Please take some time and review the General file in this Volhynia - St. Petersburg directory to gain insight into the history and a list of the team working on this project. Last, First Name D/M Year Place Father Mother Film/Item Pge Reg Remarks Hohnsee, Ludwig 1 Dec 1876 Presalup Johann 1884069/2 678 358 20 years; Maximow kr. Petrikau


Titel Stammbaum von Burkhard Hohensee
Beschreibung Family Tree of Burkhard Hohensee, Templin, Uckermark, Brandenburg, Germany If you happen to find yourself or your ancestor in my family tree, please contact me. You can see the same family tree in better quality on (
Hochgeladen 2024-04-26 17:12:22.0
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